Tendencias 21. Ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y cultura

Tendencias 21


Smart SPHERES are about to get a whole lot smarter - 21/02/2014

Smart devices -- such as tablets and phones -- increasingly are an essential part of everyday life on Earth. The same can be said for life off-planet aboard the International Space Station. Our reliance on these mobile and social technologies means equipment and software upgrades are an everyday...

Conflicto entre RDC y Zambia amenaza al comercio de África - 21/02/2014

Dos veces al mes, el camionero Alfred Ndlovu transporta cobalto desde la rica provincia minera de Katanga, en la República Democrática del Congo (RDC), hasta Sudáfrica. Pero está pensando en abandonar este trabajo, porque teme por su vida cada vez que cruza la frontera. “No es bueno estar...

MS cognitive rehabilitation: Task meaningfulness influences learning, memory, research finds - 21/02/2014

In multiple sclerosis, self-generation in cognitive rehabilitation may be influenced by task meaningfulness and type during learning and memory. These results of this study have implications for the design of effective strategies for cognitive rehabilitation in MS. Fuente :...

If you think you have Alzheimer's, you just might be right, study suggests - 21/02/2014

A correlation between self-reported incidence of memory loss and development of cognitive memory impairment later in life has been identified through a new study. The results are meaningful because it might help identify people who are at risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease sooner. "If the...

Oldest fortified settlement ever found in North America - 21/02/2014

In an announcement likely to rewrite the book on early colonization of the New World, two researchers say they have discovered the oldest fortified settlement ever found in North America. They say they have located the legendary Fort Caroline, a long-sought fort built by the French in 1564, an...

Curiosity Mars rover adds reverse driving for wheel protection - 21/02/2014

Terrain that NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is now crossing is as smooth as team members had anticipated based on earlier images from orbit. On Tuesday, Feb. 18, the rover covered 329 feet (100.3 meters), the mission's first long trek that used reverse driving and its farthest one-day advance of any...

NASA Mars Orbiter views Opportunity Rover on ridge - 21/02/2014

A new image from a telescopic camera orbiting Mars shows NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity at work on "Murray Ridge," without any new impact craters nearby. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/O...

Air Force Aircraft Returned from Vietnam Identified as Postwar Source of Agent Orange Contamination - 21/02/2014

From 1971-1982 Air Force reservists, who flew in about 34 dioxin-contaminated aircraft used to spray Agent Orange and returned to the US following discontinuation of the herbicide spraying operations in the Vietnam War, were exposed greater levels of dioxin than previously acknowledged, according...

Shocking behavior of a runaway star: High-speed encounter creates arc - 21/02/2014

Roguish runaway stars can have a big impact on their surroundings as they plunge through the Milky Way galaxy. Their high-speed encounters shock the galaxy, creating arcs, as seen in a newly released image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Fuente :...

The number one human–robot conference in the world comes to Bielefeld - 21/02/2014

03/03/2014, The most important conference in the world on human–robot interaction will be held at Bielefeld University from Monday 3 to Thursday 6 March. In previous years, the ‘ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human–Robot Interaction’ (HRI) has been hosted in Tokyo (Japan), Boston (USA), and...

Schizophrenics at greater risk of getting diseases - 21/02/2014

People suffering from schizophrenia have an increased risk of contracting autoimmune diseases, especially if they have suffered from a severe infection, new research based on data sets covering the majority of the Danish population shows. With the aid of these large data sets, the researchers have...

Team sport compensates for estrogen loss - 21/02/2014

When women enter menopause, their estrogen levels taper. This increases their risk of cardiovascular disease. New research shows that interval-based team sport can make up for this estrogen loss as it improves their conditions, reduces blood pressure and thereby protects the cardiovascular system....

Newly discovered marsupial the victim of fatal attraction: Due to stress hormone, males die before young are born - 21/02/2014

A highly sexed mouse-like marsupial in Queensland's Springbrook National Park, Australia, has been discovered by a mammalogist. The rare, Black-tailed Antechinus is a rare, mouse-like marsupial with a deadly mating habit. "A single female's brood of young will typically be sired by several fathers....

Significant increase in overdoses involving heroin in Kentucky, research finds - 21/02/2014

Emergency department overdose visits involving heroin climbed 197 percent, and heroin-related deaths climbed 207 percent in Kentucky in 2012, while benzodiazepines were associated with the highest number of emergency department visits and hospitalizations, according to new analysis. The spike in...

Dibujando el mapa de Internet de África Occidental - 21/02/2014

Internet se ha convertido hoy en día en un impulsor del desarrollo. Este espacio donde se comparte el conocimiento permite a las personas comunicarse fácilmente en cualquier momento y lugar, reduce considerablemente los precios de determinados servicios, al tiempo que abre nuevos horizontes de...

Ucrania atrapada entre la violencia y un descontento más profundo - 21/02/2014

Aunque se supere la persistente ola de violencia en Ucrania, el profundo descontento social que la generó no desaparecerá de un día para otro. Las protestas contra el gobierno comenzaron en noviembre como respuesta generalizada a la decisión del presidente Viktor Yanukovych de dar la espalda a la...

Fruit Fly Model Organism: How a Developmental Gene Influences Sperm Formation - 21/02/2014

Heidelberg researchers have been delving into the basic regulatory mechanisms of stem cell differentiation. Using the Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly as a model organism, the team led by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Lohmann at Heidelberg University's Centre for Organismal Studies was able to show how a...

Drawing the Map of West African Internet - 21/02/2014

Internet has nowadays become a booster of development. This knowledge sharing space allows people to communicate with ease anywhere and anytime, and it considerably reduces the prices of services while opening new horizons for progress: e-government, e-education, telemedicine, e-commerce, research,...

Describen la biodiversidad microbiana generada por la actividad minera - 21/02/2014

La revista ISME J, del grupo Nature acaba de publicar un estudio que analiza los microorganismos encontrados en una antigua explotación de mercurio en Mieres (Asturias), y abre nuevas vías para diseñar procesos de descontaminación biológica. Fuente :...

Se cumplen 30 años del primer trasplante de hígado en España - 21/02/2014

El primer trasplante hepático de España se realizó en el Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge el 23 de febrero de 1984 a manos de Carles Margarit y Eduard Jaurrieta. Hasta ahora se han llevado a cabo más de 21.500 trasplantes hepáticos en el país. Fuente :...

Esperanza para adolescentes con VIH en Ghana - 21/02/2014

Con lágrimas en sus mejillas, la joven Zainab Salifu hacía fila en la unidad de atención de fiebres en el Hospital Universitario de Tamale, en el norte de Ghana. Más temprano, había recibido un diagnóstico positivo de VIH. A pesar de los cordiales consejos que recibió de la enfermera Felicity...

Una variante común del genoma humano protege del asma y la obesidad - 21/02/2014

Investigadores catalanes han descubierto que una región variable del genoma protege del desarrollo conjunto de dos patologías: asma y obesidad. Se trata de la primera vez que se proporciona una prueba convincente de la existencia de una variante genética común para estas dos enfermedades. Fuente :...

Aprobada la misión PLATO para buscar nuevas ‘Tierras’ - 21/02/2014

La Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) ha aprobado esta semana la misión PLATO, que permitirá localizar y caracterizar cientos de planetas potencialmente habitables en las cercanías del sistema solar. España participa de forma significativa en esta misión, desarrollada dentro del programa científico...

El conflicto étnico de Birmania llega a Malasia - 21/02/2014

Dos políticos budistas de Birmania que visitaban Malasia salvaron por poco sus vidas cuando los dispararon en  un centro comercial en Kuala Lumpur este mes. El incidente hace temer que la violencia étnica que afecta a su región natal en los últimos años se haya propagado al territorio malasio. Aye Maung y Aye Thar Aung...

Reducing HIV transmission among drug injectors lowers AIDS mortality in heterosexuals - 21/02/2014

A recent study conducted by researchers from New York University's Center for Drug Use and HIV Research, led by Samuel R. Friedman, Director of both New York University's Center for Drug Use and HIV Research's interdisciplinary theoretical synthesis core, and the Institute for Infectious Disease...

Promising cervical cancer study - 21/02/2014

Research on cervical cancer performed by a physician at the University of Arizona Cancer Center at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The multi-site research project by Bradley J. Monk, MD, is expected to change the standard of care...

Fruit-loving lemurs score higher on spatial memory tests - 21/02/2014

Food-finding tests in five lemur species show fruit-eaters may have better spatial memory than lemurs with a more varied diet. The results support the idea that relying on foods that are seasonally available and far-flung gives a competitive edge to individuals with certain cognitive abilities --...

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Guito exit the Mozambique Channel - 21/02/2014

NASA's Terra satellite captured a visible image of Tropical Cyclone Guito as it exited the Mozambique Channel and moved into the open waters of the Southern Indian Ocean. Fuente : http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2014-02/nsf...

Current ice melt rate in Pine Island Glacier may go on for decades - 21/02/2014

The Pine Island Glacier, a major outlet of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, has been undergoing rapid melting and retreating for the past two decades. But new research by an international team including researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory shows that this same glacier also...

Will plug-in cars crash the electric grid? - 21/02/2014

The world's growing fleet of plug-in cars will put a lot of strain on aging electrical distribution systems. Now research presents a solution, taken from how data is distributed on the internet. To prevent the electric grid from crashing, break-up requests for power from each car into small packets. The new tool is efficient,...
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La poeta Isel Rivero en la Feria del Libro de Madrid 2021.


Isel Rivero: “Todos somos transeúntes de la historia y la hacemos”

Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre


Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre

Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel


Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel

Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”


Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”

Menchu Gutiérrez. Fuente: Asociación Genialogías / Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


La poética nómada o el decir en la niebla de Menchu Gutiérrez

“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul


“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul

Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra


Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra

Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic


Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic

Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena


Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena

Antonio Gamoneda. Imagen: Fernando Sanz Santa Cruz.


Antonio Gamoneda: "No vivimos un solo lenguaje"

Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea


Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea

“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia


“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia

Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”


Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”

Ernesto Cardenal y María Ángeles Pérez López en 2013 contemplando las cigüeñas en Salamanca. Imagen: Elena Díaz Santana.


Contemplación y materiales: la enorme poesía de Ernesto Cardenal

Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”


Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”

 Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina


Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina

Ángela Figuera Aymerich. Fuente: Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


Más allá del desastre: una semblanza de Ángela Figuera Aymerich

“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson


“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson

¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?


¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?

La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián


La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián