Tendencias 21. Ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y cultura

Tendencias 21


Las aguas del sur de Chile para calmar la sed del norte - 05/05/2014

Tres iniciativas privadas proponen llevar agua de los ríos del sur de Chile al árido norte mediante buques o tuberías submarinas y subterráneas. El objetivo: calmar la sed minera de este país, el primer productor mundial de cobre. Los proyectos Aquatacama, Vía Hídrica del Norte y Sirius superaron...

Lean patients with fatty liver disease have higher mortality rate - 05/05/2014

Despite being of a healthier weight, lean patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have a higher overall mortality rate than patients with NAFLD who are overweight or obese, according to new research. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/_...

2014-05-05 | La mantis religiosa con gafas 3D - 05/05/2014

Investigadores británicos diseñaron unas diminutas gafas para estudiar a fondo la visión de este insecto, el único invertebrado que puede ver en tres dimensiones. Fuente : http://www.ctys.com.ar/index.php?idPage=20&idA...

2014-05-05 | La mantis religiosa con gafas 3D - 05/05/2014

Investigadores británicos diseñaron unas diminutas gafas para estudiar a fondo la visión de este insecto, el único invertebrado que puede ver en tres dimensiones. Fuente : http://www.ctys.com.ar/index.php?idPage=20&idA...

Taking the lead out of a promising solar cell: Environmentally friendly solar cell pushes forward the 'next big thing in photovoltaics' - 04/05/2014

Researchers are the first to develop a solar cell with good efficiency that uses tin instead of lead perovskite as the harvester of light. The low-cost, environmentally friendly solar cell can be made easily using 'bench' chemistry -- no fancy equipment or hazardous materials. Perovskite solar...

Global warming not uniform around the globe: Some areas were recently cooling - 04/05/2014

New research shows the first detailed look at global land surface warming trends over the last 100 years, illustrating precisely when and where different areas of the world started to warm up or cool down. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/Z...

Functioning of aged brains and muscles in mice made younger: More progress with GDF 11, anti-aging protein - 04/05/2014

Scientists have shown that a protein they previously demonstrated can make the failing hearts in aging mice appear more like those of young health mice, similarly improves brain and skeletal muscle function in aging mice. In two separate articles scientists report that injections of a protein known...

New insight may help predict volcanic eruption behavior - 04/05/2014

A new discovery in the study of how lava dome volcanoes erupt may help in the development of methods to predict how a volcanic eruption will behave, say scientists. Volcanologists have discovered that a process called frictional melting plays a role in determining how a volcano will erupt, by...

New technique tracks proteins in single HIV particle - 04/05/2014

An interdisciplinary team of scientists from KU Leuven in Belgium has developed a new technique to examine how proteins interact with each other at the level of a single HIV viral particle. The technique allows scientists to study the life-threatening virus in detail and makes screening potential...

A first: nuclear transfer to reprogram adult patient cells into stem cells demonstrated - 04/05/2014

Jerusalem, May 4, 2014 -- The capacity to reprogram adult patient cells into pluripotent, embryonic-like, stem cells by nuclear transfer has been reported as a breakthrough by scientists from the US and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Fuente :...

Vibrating capsule shows promising results in treating chronic constipation: Non-pharmacological therapy - 03/05/2014

An oral capsule that vibrates as it moves through the digestive tract has shown notable promise as a non-pharmacological treatment for constipation, according to new research. The capsule, which houses a small engine inside, is programmed to begin vibrating six to eight hours after swallowing. The...

Mientras Washington lo piensa, Bruselas negocia con Cuba - 03/05/2014

La decisión de la Unión Europea (UE) de relanzar sus relaciones con Cuba da muestras de un pragmatismo que deja aún más expuesta la política de embargo y aislamiento de Estados Unidas hacia este país caribeño. Al término de una reunión de dos días el miércoles 30, representantes del bloque...

Nearly 50 percent of physicians believe diversion of ADHD stimulant medications among teens is a problem - 03/05/2014

Two recent studies examined physicians' perceptions and knowledge of diversion of stimulant medications for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as practices physicians use to prevent diversion among their patients prescribed these medications. Fuente :...

Lower verbal test score for toddlers who play non-educational games on touch screens - 03/05/2014

A recent study examined infants 0-3 years old that used touch-screen devices to determine if their use was of any educational benefit to infants and toddlers. The study showed that children who played non-educational games using touch-screen devices had lower verbal scores upon testing. Fuente :...

Smoking during pregnancy may raise risk for heart defects in babies - 03/05/2014

Women who smoke during pregnancy may be putting their newborns at risk for congenital heart defects, and the more they smoke, the higher the risk, according to a new study. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/P...

Why gay, lesbian teens binge drink: Stressful experiences, such as victimization and homophobia, linked to heavy episodic drinking - 03/05/2014

Higher rates of binge drinking by lesbian and gay adolescents compared to their heterosexual peers may be due to chronic stress caused by difficult social situations, according to a new study. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/u...

Space and astronomy digest: May 2014 - 03/05/2014

The latest digest of upcoming space and astronomy news events, from the RAS. This month includes the launch of the latest crewed mission to the International Space Station, the possibility of a brand new meteor shower and specialist meetings on studying earthquakes from space and on a new technique...

Leaf chewing links insect diversity in modern and ancient forests - 02/05/2014

Observations of insects and their feeding marks on leaves in modern forests confirm indications from fossil leaf deposits that the diversity of chewing damage relates directly to diversity of the insect population that created it, according to scientists. Fuente :...

Mammography controversy needs greater participation to inform decisions - 02/05/2014

Doctors at the World Congress on the Menopause in Cancun, Mexico, have called for any decision to participate in mammography to be a based on an informed choice and consideration of all factors, rather than just be an automatic process. Fuente : http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=1...

La aguja en el pajar del desarrollo post 2015 - 02/05/2014

¿Qué objetivos tendrán prioridad en la Agenda de Desarrollo Post 2015 de la ONU? ¿Cuáles merecen más fondos? ¿Y qué metas ayudarán a una mayor cantidad de personas? Estas son las preguntas que intenta responder el Centro de Consenso de Copenhague (CCC), una organización de investigación que analiza...

El capitalismo no puede con el cambio climático - 02/05/2014

Es hora de diseñar nuevos principios económicos y políticos para responder a la crisis de sostenibilidad, señala la última edición del informe del ambientalista Instituto Worldwatch de Estados Unidos. La comunidad internacional demoró demasiado en reaccionar ante la rapidez de la degradación...

Big sisters do better: New study of siblings finds eldest girls have the edge - 02/05/2014

A new study has revealed that oldest children are the most ambitious, especially girls, and a wider gap between siblings increases the chances of children achieving higher levels of qualifications. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/g...

Probing dopant distribution: Opening the door to better doping of semiconductor nanocrystals - 02/05/2014

Researchers have shown that when doping a semiconductor to alter its electrical properties, equally important as the amount of dopant is how the dopant is distributed on the surface and throughout the material. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/j...

Researchers find unique fore wing folding among Sub-Saharan African Ensign wasps - 02/05/2014

Researchers discovered several possibly threatened new species of ensign wasps from Sub-Saharan Africa -- the first known insects to exhibit transverse folding of the fore wing. The scientists made this discovery, in part, using a technique they developed that provides broadly accessible anatomy...

La violencia de Nueva York se cura en un sofá naranja - 02/05/2014

Las heridas de bala se redujeron a la mitad en el barrio de Harlem, en la ciudad estadounidense de Nueva York, gracias al trabajo preventivo de Operación SNUG, una organización que aplica una estrategia epidemiológica contra el delito, para contenerlo y erradicarlo como si fuera un virus. Son las...

Better sleep predicts longer survival time for women with advanced breast cancer - 02/05/2014

A new study reports that sleep efficiency, a ratio of time asleep to time spent in bed, is predictive of survival time for women with advanced breast cancer. According to the authors, this is the first study to demonstrate the long-term detrimental effects of objectively quantified sleep on...

University of Sheffield architects provide solution to the housing crisis - 02/05/2014

Architects from the University of Sheffield will put forward their solution to the current housing crisis at a cross-parliamentary event later this month (13 May 2014). Fuente : http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=1...

How bacteria exploit proteins to trigger potentially lethal infections - 02/05/2014

A research team led by Professor Jennifer Potts, a British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellow in York’s Department of Biology, studied how Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause life-threatening human infections, attach to two proteins fibronectin and fibrinogen found in human blood. Fuente :...

La basura marina: mucha y por todas partes - 02/05/2014

Incluso en las zonas más profundas del océano se pueden encontrar botellas, bolsas de plástico, redes de pesca y otros materiales de origen humano, según alerta un artículo publicado en la revista PLOS ONE en el que han participado expertos del Grupo de Investigación Consolidado (GRC) de...

Marine litter is everywhere - 02/05/2014

A new paper published on the journal PLOS ONE alerts that even in the deepest ocean depths you can find bottles, plastic bags, fishing nets and other types of human litter. Experts from the Consolidated Research Group on Marine Geosciences of the University of Barcelona (UB), led by Professor...
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La poeta Isel Rivero en la Feria del Libro de Madrid 2021.


Isel Rivero: “Todos somos transeúntes de la historia y la hacemos”

Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre


Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre

Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel


Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel

Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”


Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”

Menchu Gutiérrez. Fuente: Asociación Genialogías / Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


La poética nómada o el decir en la niebla de Menchu Gutiérrez

“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul


“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul

Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra


Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra

Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic


Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic

Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena


Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena

Antonio Gamoneda. Imagen: Fernando Sanz Santa Cruz.


Antonio Gamoneda: "No vivimos un solo lenguaje"

Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea


Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea

“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia


“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia

Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”


Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”

Ernesto Cardenal y María Ángeles Pérez López en 2013 contemplando las cigüeñas en Salamanca. Imagen: Elena Díaz Santana.


Contemplación y materiales: la enorme poesía de Ernesto Cardenal

Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”


Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”

 Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina


Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina

Ángela Figuera Aymerich. Fuente: Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


Más allá del desastre: una semblanza de Ángela Figuera Aymerich

“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson


“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson

¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?


¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?

La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián


La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián