Tendencias 21. Ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y cultura

Tendencias 21


Screening detects ovarian cancer using neighboring cells - 22/04/2013

Pioneering biophotonics technology developed at Northwestern University is the first screening method to detect the early presence of ovarian cancer in humans by examining cells easily brushed from the neighboring cervix or uterus, not the ovaries themselves. The results have the potential to...

NASA's HyspIRI: Seeing the forest and the trees and more! - 22/04/2013

Light contains fingerprints of materials that can be detected by sensors that capture the unique set of reflected wavelengths. The technique was applied to Earth during NASA's Hyperspectral Infrared Imager airborne campaign. Fuente : http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/nsf...

New NASA satellite takes the Salton Sea's temperature - 22/04/2013

An image from an instrument aboard NASA's Landsat Data Continuity Mission or LDCM satellite may look like a typical black-and-white image of a dramatic landscape, but it tells a story of temperature. The dark waters of the Salton Sea pop in the middle of the Southern California desert. Crops create...

Technology transforms health care - 22/04/2013

The current special issue of Technology and Innovation -- Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors, devoted to studies on medical technology and health care delivery, focuses on a wide range of topics, from new technologies to reduce the cost of health care to understanding the human...

Joslin scientists advance understanding of human brown adipose tissue and grow new cells - 22/04/2013

Joslin scientists report significant findings about the location, genetic expression and function of human brown adipose tissue (BAT) and the generation of new BAT cells. Fuente : http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/jdc...

After age 18, asthma care deteriorates - 22/04/2013

Asthma care for young adults deteriorates after age 18, due primarily to a loss of health insurance coverage, as well as to a series of socially-mediated changes. Fuente : http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/hms...

Positive effect of white button mushrooms when substituted for meat on body weight and composition changes during weight loss and weight maintenance - 22/04/2013

New research published as an abstract in the FASEB Journal and presented at Experimental Biology 2013 on Monday, April 22, ties mushrooms to positive health outcomes in the area of weight management. A one-year, randomized clinical trial conducted by researchers at the Weight Management Center at...

New research constructs ant family tree - 22/04/2013

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the higher species numbers in the tropics, but these hypotheses have never been tested for the ants, which are one of the most ecologically and numerically dominant groups of animals on the planet.New research by evolutionary biologists Dr. Corrie...

Germanium made laser compatible - 22/04/2013

Good news for the computer industry: a team of researchers has managed to make germanium suitable for lasers. This could enable microprocessor components to communicate using light in future, which will make the computers of the future faster and more efficient. Fuente :...

Using nitrous oxide for anesthesia doesn't increase -- and may decrease -- complications and death - 22/04/2013

Giving nitrous oxide as part of general anesthesia for noncardiac surgery doesn't increase the rate of complications and death -- and might even decrease the risk of such events, according to a pair of studies in the May issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia, official journal of the International...

First 2000-year-long temperature reconstructions for individual continents - 21/04/2013

Past climate change varied remarkably between regions. This is demonstrated in a new study coordinated by the international Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, which reconstructed temperature over the past 1000 to 2000 years. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/f...

Genetics defines a distinct liver disease - 21/04/2013

A large-scale genetic study has defined the relationship between primary sclerosing cholangitis and other autoimmune diseases. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/E...

Low-dose aspirin stymies proliferation of two breast cancer lines - 21/04/2013

Regular use of low-dose aspirin may prevent the progression of breast cancer, according to a new study. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/O...

Stem cell transplant restores memory, learning in mice - 21/04/2013

For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have been transformed into nerve cells that helped mice regain the ability to learn and remember. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/D...

Hundreds of potential drug targets to starve cancer tumors identified - 21/04/2013

A massive study analyzing gene expression data from 22 tumor types has identified multiple metabolic expression changes associated with cancer, as well as hundreds of potential drug targets that could cut off a tumor’s fuel supply or interfere with its ability to synthesize essential building...

Sniffing out solutions for millions of Americans with smell loss - 21/04/2013

Snot. It’s not something most of us spend a lot of time thinking about, but, for a team of researchers in Washington, D.C., it’s front and center. The team’s lead researcher will present his newest study, focused on the molecules involved in cell signaling in nasal mucus, with the hope that other...

Two days of staging as effective as four for high altitude climbs - 21/04/2013

Conventional knowledge suggests that to avoid acute mountain sickness (AMS), climbers need to “stage,” or set up camp, at a lower altitude for four days when summiting peaks as high as 4300 meters. Scientists have found that two days of staging at a moderate altitude may be enough. Fuente :...

Study upends model of how dividing cells monitor distribution of chromosomes - 21/04/2013

A recent study upends the model for how dividing cells monitor the equal distribution of their chromosomes —- a process that often runs awry in cancer. By targeting Aurora B kinase, their discovery has overturned the prevailing model of advanced cell division. Fuente :...

Intensity modulated radiotherapy reduces side effects in patients with early breast cancer - 21/04/2013

Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) gives better results than standard radiotherapy in patients with early breast cancer, according to results from a randomized trial. IMRT is an advanced, high-precision form of radiotherapy that can deliver an even dose of radiation, thus reducing the cosmetic...

Commonly used drug can limit radiation damage to lungs and heart for cancer patients - 21/04/2013

Unavoidable damage caused to the heart and lungs by radiotherapy treatment of tumors in the chest region can be limited by the administration of an ACE inhibitor, a drug commonly used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, a group of Dutch researchers have found. Fuente :...

Los españoles tienen un alto potencial de resistencia a antibióticos - 21/04/2013

Un estudio apunta que los españoles tienen muchos más genes de resistencia a antibióticos que los daneses o los estadounidenses. Su presencia puede complicar operaciones quirúrgicas o el tratamiento de infecciones ||| Fuente : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/materia/noticias/~3...

Even a few cigarettes a day increases risk of rheumatoid arthritis - 21/04/2013

Number of cigarettes smoked a day and the number of years a person has smoked both increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, finds research in BioMed Central's open access journal Arthritis Research & Therapy. The risk decreases after giving up smoking but, compared to people who have never...

Intranasal neuropeptide Y may offer therapeutic potential for post-traumatic stress disorder - 21/04/2013

Stress triggered neuropsychiatric disorders take an enormous personal, social and economic toll on society. In the US more than half of adults are exposed to at least one traumatic event throughout their lives. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a debilitating anxiety disorder associated with...

Lost your keys? Your cat? The brain can rapidly mobilize a search party - 21/04/2013

A contact lens on the bathroom floor, an escaped hamster in the backyard, a car key in a bed of gravel: How are we able to focus so sharply to find that proverbial needle in a haystack? Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have discovered that when we embark on a targeted search,...

Structure of cell signaling molecule suggests general on-off switch - 21/04/2013

A three-dimensional image of one of the proteins that serves as an on-off switch as it binds to receptors on the surface of a cell suggests there may be a sort of main power switch that could be tripped. These surface receptors are responsible for helping cells discern light, set the heart racing,...

Discovery brings hope of new tailor-made anti-cancer agents - 21/04/2013

Scientists at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and their collaborators have tailor-made a new chemical compound that blocks a protein that has been linked to poor responses to treatment in cancer patients.The development of the compound, called WEHI-539, is an important step towards the design...

Genetics defines a distinct liver disease - 21/04/2013

For the first time, scientists show that a leading cause of liver transplant, primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), is a distinct disease from inflammatory bowel disease, opening up new avenues for specific PSC treatments. Fuente : http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/wts...

A check on tension - 21/04/2013

Abnormal numbers of chromosomes are found in the cells of about 90 percent of cancers, so understanding how healthy dividing cells ensure that each of their daughters receive an equal number of chromosomes is important to cancer biology. Until recently, scientists thought they had this figured out. Now, a paper published in...

Recreational use of HIV antiretroviral drug linked to its psychoactivity - 21/04/2013

More than 1 in 270 people in the US are living with HIV and every 9.5 minutes someone is else is infected. The economic cost estimates associated with HIV/AIDS exceed 36 billion dollars a year. The development of effective drug treatments have allowed people with HIV to live longer with federal health officials now predicting...

Social stress and the inflamed brain - 21/04/2013

Depression is the leading cause of disability with more than 350 million people globally affected by this disease. In addition to debilitating consequences on mental health, depression predisposes an individual to physiological disease such as heart disease, and conversely heart disease increases the risk of depression. Fuente...
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Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre


Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre

Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel


Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel

Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”


Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”

Menchu Gutiérrez. Fuente: Asociación Genialogías / Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


La poética nómada o el decir en la niebla de Menchu Gutiérrez

“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul


“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul

Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra


Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra

Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic


Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic

Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena


Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena

Antonio Gamoneda. Imagen: Fernando Sanz Santa Cruz.


Antonio Gamoneda: "No vivimos un solo lenguaje"

Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea


Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea

“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia


“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia

Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”


Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”

Ernesto Cardenal y María Ángeles Pérez López en 2013 contemplando las cigüeñas en Salamanca. Imagen: Elena Díaz Santana.


Contemplación y materiales: la enorme poesía de Ernesto Cardenal

Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”


Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”

 Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina


Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina

Ángela Figuera Aymerich. Fuente: Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


Más allá del desastre: una semblanza de Ángela Figuera Aymerich

“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson


“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson

¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?


¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?

La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián


La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián