Tendencias 21. Ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y cultura

Tendencias 21


2014-09-01 | El totalitarismo, bajo la perspectiva del séptimo arte - 01/09/2014

El período que comprendió el auge y caída de los regímenes totalitarios fue testigo de infinidad de películas que ensalzaban o juzgaban duramente a estos gobiernos. A 75 años del inicio de la II Guerra Mundial, los debates sobre el rol del cine a la hora de retratar los horrores del genocidio nazi o la evaluación estética de...

2014-09-01 | El totalitarismo, bajo la perspectiva del séptimo arte - 01/09/2014

El período que comprendió el auge y caída de los regímenes totalitarios fue testigo de infinidad de películas que ensalzaban o juzgaban duramente a estos gobiernos. A 75 años del inicio de la II Guerra Mundial, los debates sobre el rol del cine a la hora de retratar los horrores del genocidio nazi...

Las mujeres, pilar en la lucha social de la Patagonia chilena - 31/08/2014

En pocos lugares como en la Patagonia las mujeres son los pilares de los movimientos vecinales, campesinos y ambientalistas en Chile. Es un rol social que la historia las forzó a asumir en este territorio inhóspito y segregado de la zona austral del país. “Las mujeres patagonas tuvieron que parir...

New way to diagnose malaria by detecting parasite's waste in infected blood cells - 31/08/2014

A technique that can detect malarial parasite's waste in infected blood cells has been developed by researchers. "There is real potential to make this into a field-deployable system, especially since you don't need any kind of labels or dye. It's based on a naturally occurring biomarker that does...

Why sibling stars look alike: Early, fast mixing in star-birth clouds - 31/08/2014

Early, fast, turbulent mixing of gas within giant molecular clouds -- the birthplaces of stars -- means all stars formed from a single cloud bear the same unique chemical 'tag' or 'DNA fingerprint,' write astrophysicists. Could such chemical tags help astronomers identify our own Sun's long-lost...

Memory in silent neurons: How do unconnected neurons communicate? - 31/08/2014

According to a generally-accepted model of synaptic plasticity, a neuron that communicates with others of the same kind emits an electrical impulse as well as activating its synapses transiently. This electrical pulse, combined with the signal received from other neurons, acts to stimulate the synapses. How is it that some...

Changing global diets is vital to reducing climate change - 31/08/2014

Healthier diets and reducing food waste are part of a combination of solutions needed to ensure food security and avoid dangerous climate change, say the team behind a new study. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/4...

Antarctic sea-level rising faster than global rate - 31/08/2014

A new study of satellite data from the last 19 years reveals that fresh water from melting glaciers has caused the sea-level around the coast of Antarctica to rise by 2cm more than the global average of 6cm. Researchers detected the rapid rise in sea-level by studying satellite scans of a region that spans more than a million...

27th European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology - 31/08/2014

18/10/2014 — 21/10/2014, Europe’s most important psychiatry conference, the 27th European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) will take place in Berlin from 18 to 21 October, 2014. Neuropsychopharmacology includes many fields which attract significant press attention, such as...

ODYSSEY LONG TERM - Long term results underscore efficacy and safety of alirocumab for lowering cholesterol - 31/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Sunday 31 August: Long term results for the investigational monoclonal antibody alirocumab, show that in addition to significantly reducing cholesterol on top of regular statin therapy, it also reduced the incidence of cardiovascular events, researchers reported in a Hot Line...

ODYSSEY FHI & II - Investigational alirocumab shows lipid-lowering promise - 31/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Sunday 31 August: An investigational lipid-lowering agent called alirocumab produced superior results compared to placebo in Hot Line studies reported today at ESC Congress 2014. Fuente : http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=1...

ODYSSEY COMBO II - Investigational agent outshines ezetimibe for lowering cholesterol - 31/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Sunday 31 August: The investigational drug alirocumab significantly improved cholesterol levels compared to ezetimibe, when added to regular statin therapy in patients with high cholesterol and elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to the ODYSSEY COMBO II...

Solid-TIMI 52 - Darapladib disappoints again – Anti-inflammatory treatment fails to prevent cardiac events - 31/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Sunday 31 August: A new phase III study evaluating the investigational agent darapladib in patients with an acute coronary syndrome (heart attack or unstable angina) has failed to show a reduction in major coronary events compared to placebo. Results of the double-blind,...

CONFIRM HF – Iron deficient heart failure patients see improvement with intravenous supplementation - 30/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Saturday 30 August: Heart failure patients with iron deficiency can experience significant and sustainable improvements in functional capacity and quality of life as well as reduced risk of hospital admission for worsening heart failure by receiving just one to two intravenous...

PARADIGM HF – Investigational LCZ696: a new horizon in heart failure - 30/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Saturday 30 August: An investigational new heart failure drug could be poised to change the face of cardiology based on Hot Line results presented today at ESC Congress 2014. Fuente : http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=1...

MORE CRT - Quadripolar lead trumps bipolar option in cardiac resynchronisation - 30/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Saturday 30 August: Use of a quadripolar left ventricular (LV) lead instead of a bipolar option during cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) can decrease complications at six months according to preliminary Hot Line results presented today at ESC Congress 2014. Fuente :...

NECTAR-HF fails to demonstrate clinical benefit of vagus nerve stimulation in Heart Failure - 30/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Saturday 30 August: Stimulating the vagus nerve, which regulates the body’s internal organ systems including the heart, does not improve cardiac function in heart failure patients, according to results of the NEural Cardiac TherApy foR Heart Failure (NECTAR-HF) trial. Fuente :...

POPE 2 – Another anti-Inflammatory fails to reduce post-surgical fluid around the heart - 30/08/2014

BARCELONA, Spain – Saturday 30 August: The anti-inflammatory drug colchicine is not an effective treatment for cardiac patients who develop a condition called post-operative pericardial effusion (POPE) – a build-up of fluid around the heart, according to a new study. The POPE-2 study, presented as...

Factor in naked mole rat's cells enhances protein integrity - 29/08/2014

A factor in naked mole rat cells could be one of the secrets to how the rodent defies aging, researchers say. Naked mole rats, which burrow through underground tunnels in their native East Africa, are nearly hairless rodents. They live as long as 32 years. Naked mole rats maintain cancer-free good...

Surprising discovery: HIV hides in gut, evading eradication - 29/08/2014

Some surprising discoveries about the body's initial responses to HIV infection have been made by researchers. One of the biggest obstacles to complete viral eradication and immune recovery is the stable HIV reservoir in the gut. There is very little information about the early viral invasion and...

Report advocates improved police training - 29/08/2014

A new report identifies ways to improve the mental health training and education that police personnel receive. "The most important part of the report and what comes after is making sure people living with mental illness are involved in the delivery of training," says one expert. Fuente :...

Antidepressants show potential for postoperative pain - 29/08/2014

Anesthesiologists examine studies where antidepressants were prescribed for pain after surgery. Clinical trials are often used to answer questions about the efficacy of the off-label uses of drugs. In the case of antidepressants, their effects on postsurgical pain continue to be an area of research...

Preventing cancer from forming 'tentacles' stops dangerous spread - 29/08/2014

'Invadopodia' play a key role in the spread of cancer, a team of researchers reports. The study shows preventing these tentacle-like structures from forming can stop the spread of cancer entirely. Fuente : http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/-...

Efficacy of new gene therapy approach for toxin exposures shown in mouse study - 29/08/2014

Gene therapy may offer significant advantages in prevention and treatment of botulism exposure over current methods, new research shows. "We envision this treatment approach having a broad range of applications such as protecting military personnel from biothreat agents or protecting the public...

Vaccine for Ebola? Experts answer questions - 29/08/2014

To learn more about this outbreak and the creation of new human vaccines, infectious disease experts who have led vaccine studies for such global pathogens as cholera, West Nile virus, dengue, typhoid fever and anthrax speak to reporters and answer questions. Fuente :...

Hacia un centro de coordinación informativa sobre gobernanza mundial - 29/08/2014

La agencia de noticias Inter Press Service (IPS) experimentó graves ataques políticos y tempestades financieras desde 1964, cuando Roberto Savio y Pablo Piacentini sentaron las bases de este sistema de información y de comunicación singular y desafiante.  Cincuenta años después, IPS continúa proporcionando noticias y análisis...

Parteras ayudan a bajar la mortalidad materna en Sierra Leona - 29/08/2014

Con una de las mayores tasas de mortalidad materna y a pocos meses del vencimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas, el gobierno de Sierra Leona capacitó parteras tradicionales para llevar servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva a las aldeas más remotas. Los...

Pioneer strategy for creating new materials - 29/08/2014

Making something new is never easy. Scientists constantly theorize about new materials, but when the material is manufactured it doesn't always work as expected. To create a new strategy for designing materials, scientists combined two different approaches at two different facilities to synthesize...

Los tiempos de la migración de supervivencia - 29/08/2014

“Migración de supervivencia” no es un reality show, sino una descripción de los desplazamientos humanos causados por miedo y desesperación. ¿Cuán desesperados están esos contingentes que migran? Basta mirar las cifras de niños centroamericanos que viajan solos. Los penosos trayectos de niñas, niños...

Aging Africa - 29/08/2014

In the September issue of GSA Today, Paul Bierman of the University of Vermont–Burlington and colleagues present a cosmogenic view of erosion, relief generation, and the age of faulting in southernmost Africa. By measuring beryllium-10 (10Be) in river sediment samples, they show that south-central...
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Isel Rivero: “Todos somos transeúntes de la historia y la hacemos”

Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre


Desde una existencia previa llega "El retrato del uranio", de Raúl Nieto de la Torre

Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel


Canto e invitación a volar en “El pájaro mudo”, de Luz Pichel

Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”


Una miscelánea que da voz al pasado: “Wattebled o el rastro de las cosas”

Menchu Gutiérrez. Fuente: Asociación Genialogías / Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


La poética nómada o el decir en la niebla de Menchu Gutiérrez

“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul


“Voces de un cuerpo”, de Giovanni Collazos, en la Cartonera del escorpión azul

Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra


Lamento e invención en “Desde lejos”, de Arturo Borra

Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic


Entre el minimalismo y la instantánea: “Acércate y escucha", de Charles Simic

Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena


Un México poético e histórico en “Ni siquiera los muertos”, de Juan Gómez Bárcena

Antonio Gamoneda. Imagen: Fernando Sanz Santa Cruz.


Antonio Gamoneda: "No vivimos un solo lenguaje"

Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea


Recuperado el camino de la imaginación de Juan Larrea

“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia


“Centroeuropa”, una metáfora de la historia

Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”


Superventas apasionante y necesario sobre la vida de Mussolini: “M. El hijo del siglo”

Ernesto Cardenal y María Ángeles Pérez López en 2013 contemplando las cigüeñas en Salamanca. Imagen: Elena Díaz Santana.


Contemplación y materiales: la enorme poesía de Ernesto Cardenal

Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”


Rodolfo Hasler expresa su infancia con “Lengua de lobo”

 Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina


Espacios míticos en los “Parques cerrados” de Juan Campos Reina

Ángela Figuera Aymerich. Fuente: Ediciones Tigres de Papel.


Más allá del desastre: una semblanza de Ángela Figuera Aymerich

“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson


“Flota”, el baúl literario de Anne Carson

¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?


¿Cómo acabaron en un libro los sueños y pesadillas del mundo occidental?

La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián


La paradoja de la identidad local en “Muchacha de Castilla”, de Mercedes Cebrián