¿Quién es?
Rafael Alberto Pérez
Autor de referencia en comunicación estratégica, conferenciante y consultor. Es consejero de The Blueroom Project - TBP Consulting para temas de turismo y ocio
Considerado el padre de la Nueva Teoría Estratégica (NTE) y autor laureado. Su libro “Estrategias de Comunicación” (2001) ha recibido dos premios internacionales y ha sido seleccionado la revista “Razón y Palabra” como uno de los textos más influyentes en Iberoamérica.
En la actualidad divide su actividad entre impartir Seminarios- invitado por más de 170 Universidades y empresas de 14 países- y ejercer como consultor estratégico.
Considerado el padre de la Nueva Teoría Estratégica (NTE) y autor laureado. Su libro “Estrategias de Comunicación” (2001) ha recibido dos premios internacionales y ha sido seleccionado la revista “Razón y Palabra” como uno de los textos más influyentes en Iberoamérica.
En la actualidad divide su actividad entre impartir Seminarios- invitado por más de 170 Universidades y empresas de 14 países- y ejercer como consultor estratégico.
Tendencias Estratégicas
Una superbacteria podría solucionar nuestros problemas para vivir en otros mundos
09/01/2025 18:17 - Pablo Javier Piacente / T21 -
Una superbacteria podría solucionar nuestros problemas para vivir en otros mundos
09/01/2025 18:17 - Pablo Javier Piacente / T21 -
Una cuarta parte de la fauna de agua dulce está en peligro de extinción
08/01/2025 18:01 - Pablo Javier Piacente / T21
Philip Kotler said: “Dr. Moutinho, probably the only person on the planet who has investigated more than 150 future trends that may affect the company”.
El personaje:
Prof. Dr. Luiz Moutinho, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School
He holds the Foundation Chair of Marketing. Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, University of South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
Founding Editor, Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2)
Philip Kotler said: “Dr. Moutinho, probably the only person on the planet who has investigated more than 150 future trends that may affect the company”.
Based on technological agitation, a strategy by discovery within the business of meaning in a meaningful economy, handling the VUCA world in an age of anxiety, navigating the current and future new normals, using sense and respond models, by finding a purpose with fair finances.
Strategy in the future will be…….based on the anticipation of a myriad of paradigm shifts, never premised on certainty, a key element of permeable corporations, intertwined with futures thinking, using experimentation as the new planning in the age of the multisided business model, an outcome of the stretch in the organization, an output of dilemma management and the measurability of strategic agility..
Strategy in the future will be……….on a beta mode with strategic cadence and the application of systems thinking to change.
Strategy agility will be the Ultimate Strategy!
Prof. Dr. Luiz Moutinho, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School
He holds the Foundation Chair of Marketing. Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, University of South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
Founding Editor, Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2)
Philip Kotler said: “Dr. Moutinho, probably the only person on the planet who has investigated more than 150 future trends that may affect the company”.
Based on technological agitation, a strategy by discovery within the business of meaning in a meaningful economy, handling the VUCA world in an age of anxiety, navigating the current and future new normals, using sense and respond models, by finding a purpose with fair finances.
Strategy in the future will be…….based on the anticipation of a myriad of paradigm shifts, never premised on certainty, a key element of permeable corporations, intertwined with futures thinking, using experimentation as the new planning in the age of the multisided business model, an outcome of the stretch in the organization, an output of dilemma management and the measurability of strategic agility..
Strategy in the future will be……….on a beta mode with strategic cadence and the application of systems thinking to change.
Strategy agility will be the Ultimate Strategy!
*VUCA: acrónimo de “volatility, uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity”.
Rafael Alberto Pérez
Lunes, 25 de Mayo 2015
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Blogs Amigos
Rafael Alberto Pérez
Blog sobre comunicación estratégica
Tendencias 21 (Madrid). ISSN 2174-6850
Blog sobre comunicación estratégica
Tendencias 21 (Madrid). ISSN 2174-6850