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Reinforces its leading position in the m2m world creating a partner ecosystem to extend its offering to all players in the m2m market

Telefónica announced the next phase in the launch of its m2m Global Channel Partner Programme in order to reinforce its position in the m2m world. The Programme enables Telefónica to extend the reach of its offering by partnering with the key players in the m2m value chain such as device manufacturers, solution providers and distributors. With this move, the company is looking to fully address the managed connectivity opportunity which, according to industry analysts, will represent 11.6 billion euros in 2016.

This m2m partner ecosystem allows Telefonica to approach the market in collaboration with its partners, who enrich Telefónica’s offering with their solutions and who generate a multiplier effect in terms of scale. The Programme will also enable Telefónica to identify the most successful m2m Service Providers that could become Telefónica’s Vertical Solution partners in the future.

Telefónica first launched this programme in the USA, working with companies who want to expand to other markets where Telefónica has a strong presence. More than 80 partners enrolled in less than 7 months. Telefónica is now extending this initiative globally starting with Europe before rolling out to other markets.

“We are really pleased with the success of the partner programme in the USA. It gives us a richer portfolio of m2m solutions to sell our customers. Now we are deploying our Global Channel Partner Programme in Europe as well. We’ll continue moving forward by developing the Programme in other Telefónica regions and adding more Telefónica’s products to our portfolio, using the same proven partnership model”, says Rafael García Meiro, Telefónica Digital’s Global Partner Sales Unit Director. García Meiro added: “90 additional companies are already in the process of being part of our Channel Partner Programme and the objective for 2014 is to enrol a total of 250 partners.”

Companies interested in knowing more about the Programme can contact with Telefónica representatives at the Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona and in most of the relevant m2m industry events.

For more information, please visit:


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Telefónica es una compañía sensible a los nuevos retos que exige la sociedad actual. Por eso ofrecemos los medios para facilitar la comunicación entre las personas, proporcionándoles la tecnología más segura y de vanguardia, para que vivan mejor y consigan lo que se propongan. Un espíritu innovador, atento y con un inmenso potencial tecnológico que multiplica la capacidad de elegir de sus más de 327 millones de clientes en 21 países. Una empresa totalmente privada que cuenta con más de un millón y medio de accionistas y cotiza en varios de los principales mercados bursátiles del mundo. NUESTRA VISIÓN La vida digital es la vida, y la tecnología forma parte esencial del ser humano. Queremos crear, proteger e impulsar las conexiones de la vida para que las personas elijan un mundo de posibilidades infinitas. En Telefónica creemos que la tecnología forma parte de la vida de todos. Hoy, la conectividad no sirve sólo para relacionarnos, es esencial para nuestra vida personal y laboral. Nuestro papel es facilitarte el disfrute de la conexión, salvaguardando el uso de tus datos y dándote el control de tu vida digital. Queremos ser una ONLIFE TELCO, una telco para las personas, una telco para tu vida.

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