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Telefónica becomes a member of the 5GAA contributing to the cross industry association efforts to boost developments in the connected and autonomous car arena

Telefónica joins efforts with the 5G Automotive Association

Telefónica, world’s leading telecommunications service provider and recognized industry leader in the Internet of Things space, announced its active participation in the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA). The company joins a group of other leading telecommunications and automotive companies with the objective of accelerating the penetration of mobility services such as connected and autonomous car and intelligent road infrastructures.

The association main activities include defining use cases, selecting technology and establishing way ahead, initiating standardization, addressing specific needs of vehicle-to-x in terms of connectivity and leading innovation and development projects. Along with this initiative, Telefónica is also actively participating in the European Automotive-Telecom Alliance (EATA) which objective is to promote the wider deployment of connected and automated driving in Europe.

Dino Flore, General Director of the 5GAA: “We are very excited to have Telefónica as new member of 5GAA. Telefónica expertise and background will greatly benefit the association in its mission to define truly global, end-to-end connected mobility solutions”

Telefónica has been working in the connected car space for several years now and has communications and IoT solutions deployed in a large number of vehicles in several countries around the globe.

Furthermore, the company, in cooperation with Ericsson, presented the world´s first 5G remote driving concept at MWC proving certain aspects of this technology, such as reliability, high speed and low latency, which will transform the automotive industry.

As Vicente Muñoz, Telefonica´s Chief IoT Officer says: “We are delighted to join the 5GAA to bring all our efforts on the 5G technology to the automotive industry. We recently showcased our recent progress in 5G with our connected car demo at MWC in Barcelona and continue to work in this arena to make things move faster”.


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Telefónica, uno de los primeros Operadores del mundo
Telefónica es una compañía sensible a los nuevos retos que exige la sociedad actual. Por eso ofrecemos los medios para facilitar la comunicación entre las personas, proporcionándoles la tecnología más segura y de vanguardia, para que vivan mejor y consigan lo que se propongan. Un espíritu innovador, atento y con un inmenso potencial tecnológico que multiplica la capacidad de elegir de sus más de 327 millones de clientes en 21 países. Una empresa totalmente privada que cuenta con más de un millón y medio de accionistas y cotiza en varios de los principales mercados bursátiles del mundo. NUESTRA VISIÓN La vida digital es la vida, y la tecnología forma parte esencial del ser humano. Queremos crear, proteger e impulsar las conexiones de la vida para que las personas elijan un mundo de posibilidades infinitas. En Telefónica creemos que la tecnología forma parte de la vida de todos. Hoy, la conectividad no sirve sólo para relacionarnos, es esencial para nuestra vida personal y laboral. Nuestro papel es facilitarte el disfrute de la conexión, salvaguardando el uso de tus datos y dándote el control de tu vida digital. Queremos ser una ONLIFE TELCO, una telco para las personas, una telco para tu vida.

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