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Telefónica Educación Digital launches mobile for change, an international contest that seeks applications for the betterment of society
Telefónica Educación Digital has launched the Mobile for Change competition (, in collaboration with Qualcomm Incorporated, as part of a Qualcomm Wireless Reach initiative with the sponsorship of UNESCO.
The goal of this international initiative is the development of mobile applications that contribute to the improvement of our surroundings and society.
Mobile for Change is an app competition in which the participants can submit mobile applications related to education, entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyles, art, creativity, environmental sustainability, public safety, social inclusion and empowerment of women.
Applications that want to take part must use AllJoyn™ technology, a free open-source software project by the AllSeen Alliance, the Qualcomm® platform Vuforia™, and applications based on App Inventor, a development environment for Android devices.
In addition, the organisers of the initiative offer participants the possibility of participating in these technologies through free online courses (MOOCS): Development  of Augmented Reality and P2P applications and Entrepreneurship and App Inventor which are available on the  Myriad X platform.
This competition allows any participant with an idea and a concern for their environment and the social good, to acquire the skills necessary to develop mobile applications, create an app, and, if their app is chosen as the winner, promotion for the app in international forums.
The competition has three categories, a general category, in which all of the apps submitted take part, and two special categories, one for apps that are aimed at empowering women, and another for those that have been created by young people between the ages of 18 and 25.
At the end of the contest there will be nine prize-winners, three from each category. The first prize in each category will consist of promoting the winner and their App at an international event (including flight, accommodation and 1,500 euros spending money), where the winner can learn from the best and exchange experiences with international investors. In addition, it will support the winners with computer equipment and training.
The phases of the competition are as follow: registration can take place from now until May 15 on the official website of the competition ( From 25 March until 15 May, participants will be able to upload their app. On 16 May, participants will be able to start voting. The 10 apps that receive the most votes in each category will go on to a final phase to be evaluated by a jury. On 26 June, the winners will be announced at a final event.
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