
Enactive Strategic Communication theory: a Latin-American contribution to organizational communication.

Redactado por el Martes, 24 de Septiembre 2019 a las 21:45

This paper exposes some differential elements of Enactive Strategic Communication’s (ESC) metaperspective within organizations. It presents a historicization of ESC theory and its methodological counterpart, Enactive Investigation in Communication (EIC), with focus on the key-concepts Investigation and Teaching. It describes the contributions to redefining Organizational Communicator’s competencies, pointing out theoretical differences between applying communication and operating communication, departing from the Seven Cognitive Operations of an EIC.

Enactive Strategic Communication theory: a Latin-American contribution to organizational communication.
Martes, 24 de Septiembre 2019

| Redactado por el Martes, 24 de Septiembre 2019 a las 21:45
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