Uni Freiburg: Understanding the Components of Memory

Freiburg neurobiologists elucidate the spatial and temporal dynamics of specific glutamate receptors in the brain Dr. Uwe Schulte, Dr. Jochen Schwenk, Prof. Dr. Bernd Fakler, and their team have elucidated the enormous spatial and temporal dynamics in protein composition of the AMPA-type glutamate receptors, the most important excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. These receptors are located in the synapses, the contact points between two nerve cells, where they are responsible for the rapid signal transduction and information processing. The results illustrate that the receptors are far more diverse than previously anticipated and pave the way for research into their functions in the various regions of the brain. The biologists published their findings in the journal Neuron.

Fuente : http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=1...

Lunes, 6 de Octubre 2014
Jueves, 1 de Enero 1970

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