‘Cosmic barometer’ could reveal violent events in universe’s past

Scientists have developed a way of reading the universe’s ‘cosmic barometer’ to learn more about ancient violent events in space. Exploding stars, random impacts involving comets and meteorites, and even near misses between two bodies can create regions of great heat and high pressure. Researchers from Imperial College London have now developed a method for analysing the pressure experienced by tiny samples of organic material that may have been ejected from dying stars before making a long journey through the cosmos. The researchers have investigated a type of aromatic hydrocarbon called dimethylnaphthalene, which should enable them to identify violent events in the history of the universe.

Fuente : http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=1...

Lunes, 31 de Marzo 2014
Jueves, 1 de Enero 1970

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